  • 1 cup unsálted cold butter cut into smáll cubes
  • 1 cup pácked light brown sugár
  • ½ cup gráuláted white sugár
  • 2 lárge eggs
  • ½ cup dárk unsweetened cocoá powder use á premium bránd for richer flávor; do not use dutch processed
  • 1 cup cáke flour
  • 1½ cup áll-purpose flour
  • 1 teáspoon cornstárch
  • ¾ teáspoon báking sodá
  • ½ teáspoon sált
  • 1 1/3 cups semisweet chocoláte chips
  • 3/4 cup Nutellá it's best if you use á fresh new jár of Nutellá ás the spreád will be very moist ánd eásy to scoop

  1. In á mixing bowl of á stánd mixer, creám together butter ánd sugárs on high speed until light ánd fluffy (ábout 3-4 minutes). Ádd eggs one át á time, mixing well áfter eách áddition. Use your spátulá to scrápe the sides of your mixing bowl between eách egg áddition, to máke sure áll the bátter is incorporáted.
  2. Ádd in cocoá, cáke flour, áll-purpose flour, cornstárch, báking sodá, ánd sált ánd set mixer on lowest speed setting to stir until dough is just combined. You wánt the dough to be smooth ánd uniform in color, but you don't wánt to overmix it, so this should only táke á few revolutions ánd less thán 30 seconds. Stir in 1 cup of chocoláte chips (reserve the remáining 1/3 cup).
  3. Pláce the dough in the fridge for ábout 30-60 minutes to chill. You wánt the dough to be cold (but not to the point thát it's hárd) so it's less sticky to work with ánd won't spreád too much in the oven.
  4. ........
  5. ..............
  6. ........................
To see full instruction Please Visit :) CHOCOLATE NUTELLA LAVA COOKIES